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Quranic stories and prophets~Games
Quranic stories and prophets~Games

Quranic stories and prophets~Games

Qur’an stories for children, is a beautiful and exciting collection of stories from the Holy Qur’an within the framework of an interactive book with animated pictures, in addition to games and entertainment in every story published for children.

The first chapter in the book It is seventeen beautiful stories from the Holy Qur’an, ninety interactive mini-games, and a section for teaching the letters of the alphabet, Quranic verses, and their Qur’anic content, and in fifteen languages ​​of the world, narrated in an attractive and beautiful way, with prizes and exciting events in each story of this picture book. Which is in the realm of production and distribution.

The valuable stories of the first chapter are:
1- The story of Abraham who destroyed the idols and fought King Nimrod, the oppressive ruler of Babylon.
2- The story of Moses, peace be upon him, and Qarun, the tyrant and arrogant
3- The story of the Prophet Solomon and the Queen of Sheba
4- The story of the childhood and youth of the Prophet (p. )
5- The story of Taloot and Goliath and the young David’s fight against Goliath
6- The story of Abraham, Ishmael, and Hagar in Mecca
7- The story of the Prophet’s ascension and his journey to the seven heavens
8- The story of the companions of the elephant, Abraha, and his army
9- The story of Noah’s ark and his companions and his journey for seven days in the water
10- The story of Moses’ childhood and youth, and the children of Israel’s escape from Pharaoh
11- The story of Yunus, peace be upon him, and the whale
12- The story of creation and the creation of Adam and Eve, peace be upon him
13- The story of Jesus, peace be upon him, from birth until his ascension to heaven
14- The story of Dhul-Qarnayn
15- The story of the Companions of the Cave
16- The story of the people of Sheba
17- The story of the Prophet Joseph, peace be upon him