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Specialist Studies Center Of  Al-Imam Al-mahdi [A-S]
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Specialist Studies Center Of  Al-Imam Al-mahdi [A-S]

Specialist Studies Center Of  Al-Imam Al-mahdi [A-S]

In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the MercifulO Allah! Protect Your vicegerent Hujjat (the Proof) b. al-Hasan and send salutations upon him,and his ancestors, now as well as at all the times,(as our) Imam, Guardian, Supporter, and Guide until such time when you bestow upon him the honor of heading the (Divine) Government.And let the people be delighted in his reign, by bestowing success, and by extending his reignThe center of Specialist studies at Al-imam Almahdi (atf):The idea of Al-Imam Al- Mahdi(atf)is one of the most important topics presented on the scientific field with its various doctrines ,ideologies and philosophical trends. The all believes in the promised Day ,a day which is justice, prosperity and happiness of all mankind will be fulfilled , but they differ according their school _whether they are depending on bias or subjective criterion_ in the character which achieve this Global governmentThe most prominent theory at that level- I mean diagnosing adequate character to carry all these burdens and performing this function, which all the mankind aspires - is the thesis of the rightful doctrine of Shiite .Responsibly speaking we can say that Twelfth imamate Shiite theory in identifying this character is the suitable theory which is in harmony with human instinct from one side and lots of acceptable texts on another side .This what we seek to make it a basic truth a studied movement adopted by our center depending upon in its addressing rationality and agreed upon and correct inheritance.Also we cannot ignore the impact of emotional side in forming the new ,rational and meaningful form of muslims'' mind .Thus we take this in consideration and give it priority in the purposeful movement of the center. Objectives:1. As we have previously stated that Al-Imam Mahdi(atf) is a universal issue that deserves attention at both the theoretical or practical level.2. The issue of Al- Imam Al-Mahdi (atf) represents the last item in the Shiite theory which expresses the original understanding of Islam and it regards the belief in the prophet and his progeny as a one united belief cannot be separated . So supporting this ideology and defending it and planting it in the hearts of the believers is a kind of defending the doctrine as a whole ;without this belief it will go astray .3. The issue of al- Ima Al Mahdi (atf) difers from other Imams (a,s) in several aspects:A. The Imam was alive and if this case was existed in the conscience of the individual and found its way into a nation will be change to the better .B. Because of the circumstances sruonded the birth and growth of Alimam Al-mahdi (a,s) and the minor occultation and the long period of major occultation ;the issue of Al-imam Al-mahdi faced a lot of doubts and suspicions much more than what had existed in the age the other Imams (a,s).C. As the issue of Imam Mahdi is a general Islamic but also universal case, so we can see many who pretend to have the upper hand in it and apply it to their visions, ideas, and their school. Therefore we should identify and state the correct school and its features and its scientific methods.D. The cloudy Mahdian culture in Iraqi society especially because the bad effects of former regime and its efforts to remove all the features of Shiism and at all levels, especially the idea and practice of waiting for Al-mahdi (a,s) it is considered a motive giving the positive spirit to reject the unjustice and preparing for the great reappearance .E. Add to all this, we find some people with weak hearts try hard in various ways and means ,at the past and at the present time to pretend to be the character of Al-mahdi or one of his followers to obtain a portion of the wreckage of this world.For these impotant reasons and others the center was established by the efforts of sayyed Jawad Shahrastani and the blessing of The Higher Marjeah of the Supreme Ayatollah Sayyid Ali al-Sistani (may Allah save him ) in Najaf Ashraf to be evidence illuminate the path of waiting through its activities of various branches and sections .