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Astronomical Research Center(A.R.C.)
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Astronomical Research Center(A.R.C.)

Astronomical Research Center(A.R.C.)

Praise and Gratitude be to Allah, The Lord of All Worlds. And Prayers and peace and greetings upon the most noble of the prophets and messengers Mohammad (sala lah alyh w aleh): Allah says in the Holy Koran (It is He who made the sun a shining light and the moon a derived light and determined for it phases - that you may know the number of years and account) ). Muslims has taken care of astronomy wide attention because of the close relationship of this science in the care of worship , including: knowledge of the time and direction of Qibla , especially after the overlap of Islamic civilization with other civilizations in the first era of Islam were Muslims gives scrutiny of things, and checked the things , and knowledge astronomical crystallized, Muslims agreed with their predecessors who translated from them in some things and disagreed with them in others, corrected them and they added to them and wrote comments on them. Muslims also developed Alazyaj ( an industry calculations based on several laws , and belong to the planetary positions and movement , and calculate each star in the orbit of how fast or slow , straightening , and return , as defined in this Alazyaj Apogee and perigee , and directions , etc… . The Muslims excelled in manufacturing monitoring devices such as : Astrolabe , machine with chords, and Equinoctial Circle, the Ring, and with the throat , and the bifurcated , and with the pocket, and others. Muslims cares for Astronomical Observatories, so They built an observatory on Mount of Qasion in the city of Damascus , the Observatory of Chammasiya in Baghdad , then set up the House of Wisdom observatory , and another in the Mount of Mukattam in Egypt ( Fatimid state), and the famous astronomer and mathematician Khawaja Nasir al-Din al-Tusi established a wide astronomical community on a mountain in Maragheh , contained the biggest and the largest astronomical observatory and a library at the time, assisted by Muslim scholars .In recent centuries , Astronomy made huge leaps in the light of the huge wealth of science that followed the scientific development , while the Islamic arena was far . we do not know what will happen flag in tomorrow after the invasion of spacecraft space (