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International Qur''an Exhibitions
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International Qur

International Qur''an Exhibitions

Islamic Iran, is definitely the only country generally during the period of the Islamic Ages, and particularly in the last century, which has established the origin of its legislation and the foundations of its social, political and cultural law and provisions on the basis of the Qur’an and Ahlulbayt’s (PBUT) Itrat, and has established republicanism and Islamism both in an equal level to the possible extent. On 40th anniversary of victory of Islamic revolution and the period of maturity and ingenuity of democratic and wilayat based society of Islamic Iran, we are proud to attend and plan the 27th international exhibition of Qur’an and Itrat, and by grace of God, represent the main plans of this section briefly in order to inscribe the experiences.We must say that during the past years, the international Section has always been considered as one of the practical keywords of the exhibition to the major managers of this complex, and has been planned and proceeded as possible. But the main focus is on identifying, inviting and hosting the chosen Qur’anic artists and scientists of several countries and present their works in a specific part of the exhibition in the Islamic republic of Iran. On account of the high cost of this approach and numerous residence and hosting problems in holy month of Ramadan, it got weak and finally was closed....