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Mazarat International Photo Festival, 2021
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Mazarat International Photo Festival, 2021

Mazarat International Photo Festival, 2021

Attending the presence of, and visiting, the burial places of the pillars of society, great members of community and society’s prominent religious figures as well as paying homage and receiving spiritual blessing has always had a significant place in religious cultures across the world, especially Islamic culture. It is indeed a presence and an attendance which provides the base and basis for connecting to the source of God’s all-embracing mercy as well as purifying and clarifying one’s soul, psyche, and life. At the moment, the most magnificent works of Islamic architecture belong to mausolea and burial places of the pillars of Islamic society as well as its eminent religions figures; and, this issue per se does manifest the importance of the notions of visiting and/or making pilgrimage to such locations.Given the importance of the role of Islamic figures’ mausolea in expanding the intercultural connections of Islamic world, carrying out the cultural development of Islamic world and saving the cultural and spiritual heritage of Islamic countries and Islamic holy places of visiting and pilgrimage, Astan Quds Razavi, has decided to hold Mazarat International Photo Festival. Throughout this event, it will be tried to properly utilize the experience and perseverance of all photographers, thus opening a new window towards recording the glorious moments of prayer as well as the magnificent instances of architecture.