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Online Shia Islamic Articles, Books, Khutbat, Calendar, Duas
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Online Shia Islamic Articles, Books, Khutbat, Calendar, Duas

Online Shia Islamic Articles, Books, Khutbat, Calendar, Duas

HubeAli asws is a charity organisation committed to propagate the true teachings of Ahl Al-Bayt-asws.The aim of www.hubeali.com is to prepare ourselves so that we can be in the service of the 12th Imamajfj, when heajfj reappears and revives the religion of Allahazwj. To achieve the desired level, it is essential to revert back to the basic teachings of Islam, as communicated to us by Rasool Allahsaww and his 12 successorsasws – that have reached us today in the form of Ahadith (traditions).