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How much money did Prophet Muhammad have before he became a prophet?
How much money did Prophet Muhammad have before he became a prophet?

How much money did Prophet Muhammad have before he became a prophet?

There are no definitive historical accounts on the exact amount of wealth Prophet Muhammad had before becoming a prophet. However, here are some indications from Islamic sources:

- Muhammad was born into the Hashim clan of the Quraysh tribe in Mecca. While not the wealthiest clan, they were still part of the ruling elite of Mecca.

- Orphaned at a young age, Muhammad was raised by his paternal uncle Abu Talib, who was of modest means. So he did not have access to great inherited wealth.

- Muhammad married his first wife Khadija bint Khuwaylid when he was 25 years old. She was an established businesswoman said to be one of the richest in the Quraysh.

- After marriage, Muhammad gained more financial security working with Khadija's business and trade caravans. But Khadija remained independent in her finances.

- Islamic sources emphasize Muhammad lived a modest, simple life even before prophethood. He was not one given to indulgence or extravagance.

- There are reports of Muhammad freeing slaves, donating to charity, and supporting poorer family members with whatever income he had access to.

- But specific numbers are not given for his personal wealth. Most scholars concur he was neither extremely poor nor anywhere close to the level of the richest Quraysh leaders.

So while details are scarce, it appears Muhammad had a modest amount of wealth from marriage and trade before prophethood but used it responsibly, consistent with his reputation for honesty and humility.

