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What is the difference between Jesus Christ and God?
What is the difference between Jesus Christ and God?

What is the difference between Jesus Christ and God?

In Islamic belief, Jesus Christ, known as 'Isa' in Arabic, is considered to be a prophet and a messenger of God. However, he is not seen as divine or as the son of God, as Christianity believes. Muslims believe in the oneness of God, known as Tawhid, and reject the concept of Trinity. According to Islamic teachings, God is the one and only creator and sustainer of the universe, and Jesus is regarded as one of the many prophets sent by God to guide humanity.

Muslims believe that Jesus was born to the Virgin Mary through a miraculous birth, performed various miracles during his lifetime, and will return in the future as a sign of the Day of Judgment. However, the central distinction between Jesus and God in Islam is that Jesus is not considered to be divine or part of God's nature.

