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Who was the first prophet, if Prophet Muhammad was the last one in Islam?
Who was the first prophet, if Prophet Muhammad was the last one in Islam?

Who was the first prophet, if Prophet Muhammad was the last one in Islam?

1.Prophet Ādam (a), according to religious reports, has been the first man and prophet on earth.

2.Adam (a) and his creation are two very important issues in Islam. In Islamic view, Adam (a) is the first prophet and when Muslims want to mark the beginning or end of prophethood, they say "from Adam (a) to the Seal of prophethood". What is mentioned about Adam (a) in the exegeses of the Qur'an, historical and literary books are all based on Quranic verses.

3.In the Qur'an, the name of Adam (a) has been mentioned 25 times, but the details of his creation have been mentioned in suras like: the Qur'an 2, Qur'an 7, the Qur'an 15, the Qur'an 17, the Qur'an 20, the Qur'an 38.

