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Have you seen God? Can you describe him?
Have you seen God? Can you describe him?

Have you seen God? Can you describe him?

God Has No Material Body and No Eye Can Ever See Him We believe that God can never be seen by the physical eyes; because the object of seeing by the eyes is a material body that has to have place, color, form and direction. These are all the qualifications of the creatures, and not that of

the creator. God is quite far from that. Therefore the belief that one may physically see God is a sort of going astray in this field, a sort of polytheism. "No vision can grasp Him, but He grasps all visions." (Holy Qur’an, 6:103)

This is why when the Israelites objected, asking Moses to let them see God: he took them to the Mount Sinai, and as mentioned in the Holy Qur’an: "And when Moses came to a place appointed by us, (on the Mount Sinai) his lord addressed him; and Moses said: "O my Lord! Show thyself to me: (let me see you) that I may look upon You! Allah said: " By no means can you see me; but look upon the mountain, if it abides in its place, then you may see me." When his lord manifested His glory on the mountain it turned into dust, and Moses fell down into a swoon. When he recovered his senses, he said: "Glory be to thee! To thee I return and I am the first one to believe in you." (Holy Qur’an, 7:143).

And by such incidents it was proved that God can never be seen. We believe that our Islamic traditions denoting the observance of God, aim at seeing Him by the mind and by the heart, and not by the sense of vision of the eyes at all. In one of his sermons collected in the famous book ‘Nahjul Balagha’, Imam ‘Ali (a.s) says: "Eyes cannot see Him, but He can be seen by the realities of Faith". We believe that the attributes of the creatures, such as: place, direction, material body, and physical observance should not be ascribed to God. If done so, it shall lead to polytheism, and remoteness from the true knowledge of Him, who id above all, and nothing id similar to Him.

