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What are good deeds in Islam?
What are good deeds in Islam?

What are good deeds in Islam?

Here are some of the major good deeds or positive acts emphasized in Islam:

- Prayer (salah) - Performing the five daily prayers is seen as one of the most important acts of worship.

- Acts of charity (zakat) - Giving 2.5% of one's wealth and possessions annually to help the poor and needy.

- Fasting during Ramadan (sawm) - Abstaining from food, drink, and other pleasures from dawn to dusk during the holy month.

- Hajj pilgrimage - Muslims are expected to undertake the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lifetime if able.

- Acts of kindness and compassion - Visiting the sick, helping those in need, caring for family, showing generosity, etc.

- Promoting morality and justice in society.

- Seeking and spreading knowledge.

- Obeying and worshipping God through obedience to parental figures as well.

- Reciting and meditating on the Quran.

- Avoiding and abstaining from harming others through ones actions, speech, etc.

- Forgiving others and avoiding acts of revenge or hostility.

- Being humble, modest, and polite in conduct and interactions.

So in general, any act of obedience, worship, charity, moral/spiritual self-improvement, or service to others is considered a positive deed in Islam. The intention and spirit behind the act is very important.

