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Is it hard for women in Islam?
Is it hard for women in Islam?

Is it hard for women in Islam?


1. Islam teaches that men and women are equal in the eyes of Allah, and that they are both accountable for their actions and will be judged equally by Allah.

2.Islam grants women many rights that were unheard of in pre-Islamic Arabia and other parts of the world, such as the right to inherit wealth, own property, choose their own spouse, retain their own family name after marriage, and the right to divorce.

3.Islam also recognizes the different roles and responsibilities of men and women in society, and assigns them different duties and obligations according to their natural abilities and inclinations.

4. Islam values the role of women as mothers, sisters, wives, and daughters, and encourages them to be devout, pious, modest, and virtuous.

5.  also allows women to pursue education, scholarship, philanthropy, arts, and other fields of interest, as long as they do not compromise their religious obligations and moral standards.

6. Islam does not oppress or subjugate women, but rather protects and honors them. However, some Muslim societies and individuals may deviate from the Islamic teachings and mistreat or abuse women due to cultural, political, or personal reasons.

