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Is it true that Islam does not permit a man and a woman to be in the same closed space except for their family?
Is it true that Islam does not permit a man and a woman to be in the same closed space except for their family?

Is it true that Islam does not permit a man and a woman to be in the same closed space except for their family?

Islam does not prohibit a man and a woman from being in the same closed space, as long as they observe certain conditions and etiquette. These conditions include:

1.The man and the woman should not be alone (khalwa) in a way that could lead to temptation or suspicion. There should be at least one other person or a group of people present, or the door should be open, or the space should be visible to others.

2.The man and the woman should lower their gaze and guard their modesty. They should not look at each other with lust or desire, or expose their private parts or adornments. They should also avoid any physical contact, such as shaking hands or hugging, unless they are mahrams (close relatives who are permanently forbidden to marry).

3.The man and the woman should speak with respect and decency. They should not flirt, joke, or talk about inappropriate topics, or use seductive or suggestive words or tones. They should also avoid raising their voices or laughing loudly, or making any sound that could attract attention or cause fitna (temptation or discord).

Therefore, Islam does not forbid a man and a woman from being in the same closed space, but rather regulates their interaction and behavior to prevent any harm or evil. Islam aims to protect the dignity and honor of both genders, and to promote chastity and morality in society.

