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What is the evidence that the Qur''an was created by God?
What is the evidence that the Qur

What is the evidence that the Qur''an was created by God?

The enemies of the early days of Islam sought to deny the celestial nature of the Qur'an, and made it possible to introduce the minds of the Prophet or others, they could not answer the Quran's struggle. If they could do it, they would have done it. Now the most ardent enemy of Islam is the Zionist who use all their means to destroy Islam, but have not yet been able to write even a surah like the Quran. The Holy Qur'an is a miracle in many ways, ..and it expresses itself from God

1- The Eloquence of the Qur'an It is literary miracle of the Qur'an so the language of the Qur'an is of such high standard that nobody could meet its challenge. And nobody can produce a similar Qur'an: “Say: If the whole of mankind and jinn gathered together to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like of it, even if they helped each other.” (17:89).

2- Harmonization of its Themes Although the Qur'an is composed of common letters and Arab language words but its own order and writing is unique It is not poetry and not prose but it is special thing which cannot be followed.

3- Special charisma and its spirituality From the beginning the mission of the Prophet listening to Qur'an cause unbeliever be a Muslim because of significant effect on the Qur'an in the hearts of the people was so obvious that Arab polytheists, had banned people from listening to the Qur'an.

4- Higher teachings of an uneducated person: When the teachings and attributes of Qur'an about God in unity are compared with other scriptures and the words of philosophers and thinkers, we realize that the Qur'an is another thing that mystifies them.

5- Strong legislation and rules of the Qur'an: Legislation system of Qur'an is a firm system so that no one can bring like it. While if Humans legislate .any rules, their problems will revealed after some time and are forced to change it. But quranic legislation is fixed and never changed.

6- Excellent reason and argument of Qur'an: When the Holy Qur'an speaks of the unity of God and the Resurrection and prophesies is so strong and based on the correct laws of thought (logic), you imagine the prophet of Islam (peace be upon him and his family) spent many years learning in philosophy and logic while he was uneducated.

7- Hidden stories of the past and the future Holly Qur'an in several times states the stories of people of Nuh, and `Ad, and Thamud and the people of Ibrahim and others that people does not know anything about it. Archaeologists prove those people inhabited in that land after several years.

8- Scientific Revelations: In modern days, we need a miracle in science, telling us what is in the heavens and within ourselves. The Qur'an, although not a scientific text, reveals many secrets and wonders of the heavens and of ourselves as part of its call to believe in the Creator of the universe. Exploring the Space: The Qur'an says: O Company of jinn and men, if you have the power to penetrate the regions of the heavens and the earth, then penetrate (them); you will not penetrate them except with a power. (55:34) this verse comes with undoubted encouragement to explore and travel through outer space. Here one should pause and think of the society in which the Prophet of Islam lived. The means of transportation were camels, horses and donkeys. The people lived in tents and worshiped idols. They had not even dream of a car or plane or even a machine of any kind. How does the Qur'an put such a high idea to encourage people not only to fly but to travel to other planets and heavens? In materialistic thinking, such a task is impossible because they claim that human thoughts are reflections of his material environment. Then the only solution in this case is to believe that the Qur'an is not a product of the human mind, but is a revelation from God. No human being could definitely put forth such an idea even if he were the greatest astronomer or scientist.

9- Harmonization of its Themes: The Qur'an is a book which encases many subjects and events. The discussions of its topics are not separated as is the case with normal books. It discusses many topics in one page at times, but without losing purpose and without going away from the main aim. Considering the range of the topics the Qur'an comments on, the repetition of some stories, the non-classification of the topics, it is hard to find such a book without contradictions and errors.

